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We are delighted to share that our 2nd Annual Sensing Loops Retreat will soon take place once again on the pitoresque island of Hermannswerder! We look forward to catching up on the latest news from the LOOPs Community, enganging in stimulating discussions, and diving deep into exciting science.


Stay tuned for more updates - we can't wait to see everyone there!


We are pleased to announce that our 1st Annual Sensing Loops Retreat from March 19th until the 21st, 2024 in Potsdam was a full success. We spent 3 intense days together at the beautiful island of Hermannswerder in Potsdam, enjoying insightful presentations, discussing our science, engage in lively discussion and connecting with colleagues from our consortium.

Huge thanks to all individuals who made this inaugural LOOPs retreat an unforgettable experience.




Following the retreat, the majority of the LOOPs PhD students and postdocs, alongside Julio Hechavarria (Loops PI) and our esteemed guest,  Mototaka Suzuki (from University of Amsterdam), continued their stay. They engaged in insighful discussions on career guidance and efficiency skills, presented their own projects and participated in workshops focusing on soft skills. It was a great opportunity to further connect among early-stage scientists.

Our winning trio from the ice-breaker mini-presentations about their SPP-projects at the student symposium following the preceding SPP retreat.

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