Job Openings
Are you interested in cortico-subcortical LOOPS? So are we!
The following positions are currently vacant:
1) 2 PhD or Postdoc positions available in Heisenberg Prof. Dr. Kristine Krug's lab at OvGU-Magdeburg to work on systems neuroscience projects with non-human primates.
One of the positions will investigate the role of the pulvinar in adaptive sensing and visuo-motor control.
The other project will work on the role of 3D shape information in the ventral pathway of the primate brain.
For more information, contact Kristine Krug or Andrew Parker.
2) Post-doc position in Alexander Groh's lab at University of Heidelberg; click here for more information.
3) Post-doc position in Vision Circuits Lab (Busse & Katzner), LMU Munich; for more details, click here.
4) Multiple Post-doctoral positions in Computational and Theoretical Neuroscience available at Jaramillo lab, University of Chicago (USA); for more info, click here.
5) Post-doc position on Computational Modeling of Active Auditory Perception in the Triesch lab, Frankfurt a.M.;
for more details, click here.
If the suitable position was not found among the PhD or postdoc positions listed, we encourage you to check out the projects included in this page and to contact the relevant principal investigators (PIs). They will let you know whether there are positions available in their labs.
Three quick tips for contacting PIs:
1. Explain your interest in cortico-subcortical LOOPS.
2. Explain your expertise and how it has prepared you to study these LOOPS.
3. Explain why you would like to be part of the LOOPS family.
Thanks for reaching out!